Wednesday, June 27, 2012

It Takes a Village

It takes a village to raise a child, I hear.  Apparently it takes a small industrial city to get me through 6 months of cancer treatment.  I am humbled and grateful for everything that so many have done for me this past year.  What follows is a list of the hall-of-famers.  If I’ve forgotten anyone, please forgive me.

And if any of you need anything or know of anyone else who needs anything - as long as I’m still on the planet I’m at your service. 


Chris, who was there every step of the way and still slow dances with me in the kitchen.
Kathryn for her prayers and cozy chemo caps.
Tim O. for staying in touch and recommending movies, especially Kenny because it made me laugh out loud.
Linda S. for organizing the chemo-sitting crew that I didn’t think I needed.  And all the sitters.
Vicki S. for being the Czar of Communications for so many.
Maggie U. for being willing to stay in the hospital without being sick.
Chuck S. for shaving my head & Sue M., Linda S., & Roni B. for covering it back up.
Roni B., Peggy S., Linda S., Kathy F., Cathy B. & Kaya, Tim R., Marie (Miracle of the Squashes) P., Tina S., Rae and the water aerobics crew, Faith W., Ann M. and for more I’m sure I’ve forgotten, for feeding me so lovingly & well.
Katie McG., Denise F., & Linda S. for the clean house.
Jamie B. for the karmic red meat swap.
Tim R. for the sympathy shave.
Kathy F. & Maggie U. for trying to make me look more presentable – it IS a nice wig!
Kassi O., Linsey S., Mandy, Linda S., Stacee & Amirra D., Jamie B., Carl B., Andrew F., and Tim V. for the drive-by rakings.
Tina A., Becky D. & Chris M. for the shots
Roni B. & Tim R. for the pet sitting.
Chris T. for her experience, strength, hope, cards, gifts, nagging & constant presence.
Linda S. for the shopping expeditions and Michelle C. for making them a spiritual experience.
Sarah S. for all the crystals and prayers.
Rabbi Jim for the healing ceremony.
Christy N. and the whole “time off” crew.
Ann & Gary for the peace of their land and beasties.
Neal R. for the journal to try to keep track of it all in.
Denise F., Rachel B., Gretchen D., Maggie U., and Cynthia B. for being my go-to medical team.
Elizabeth H. for the intelligence and competence that kept me from worrying about work.
Dr. W. for not once making me feel guilty about taking care of myself.
Denise F. for the house call.
Rachel B. for opening her home and for being there every day.
Ginny M. for trying to keep me eating correctly.
Layla A. for supporting me without having met me.
Everyone who visited, sent me cards, flowers, prayers, wishes, and also for those who called with the blessing of their own issues and got me out of myself.
Roslyn B. for demonstrating the pure joy of being alive.  

With light and love,

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